Monday, April 9, 2007

You know you're really pregnant when...

...when waiting for a prescription at Walgreens, you cannot wait 15 minutes for lunch, and instead buy and inhale something to eat from the Walgreens cooler.

And that something is an egg salad sandwich in a disposable plastic box.Did I mention it was from a Walgreen's cooler?

And it seemed excellent. I'm sure it wasn't.

Just to raise the gross-out factor another notch, I washed it down with a "Cappuccino Delight Slim Fast." Mmmmmh.


Kathleen Ryan said...

ack! When you said Walgreen's cooler, I was totally thinking Drumstick icecream cone, a Dove bar or three, but...egg salad. oh Kar.

anita said...

Ewwwwwww...old mayonaisey badness. Ewwwww!