Monday, April 16, 2007

How do you know when the fetus flips?

You just do. And it's the damnedest thing. I'm sure I would have been creeped out by such a thing a year ago. And yet, it was pretty awesome.

Saturday night, Lyric was relentlessly headbutting the inside of my belly 'til I was sure I was bruised on the inside. It went from funny to annoying to a little freaking weird. And it went for hours. I got a little worried she was stuck or something. (Stuck on what? Who knows...I'm can't see her interior design, but as we all know, things are awry in there, so for all I knew she had wrapped herself in her umbilical cord).

Into the wee hours, I rubbed my belly and begged her to stop hurting mommy. (It didn't hurt THAT bad, but it was frustratingly persistent). Eventually: sleep.

Come morning, I felt a hard ball in my lower left abdomen. Clearly (to me) it was her head. Except that for the last few months her head had been firmly on the upper right side of my midsection. She'd done a 180 AND a dive. A half-gainer, if you will. Now I can feel her little butt on the right and her little head on the left. And her little feet still give me little kicks all over. Very cool.

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