Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Next: Baby treadmills

A stationary bike for your toddler sounds funny to me, but I suppose no more so than putting a helmet on a toddler steering a tricycle. But alas, it seems don't they make one that looks cool in my living room. My living room, shockingly, is not made of white and bright green plastic--so apparently I'm woefully unprepared for motherhood. Poor Lyric will be stuck riding a little red metal trike, sans helmet, at the park.
In other Mommy News, there is something new being tested, called a "Womb Room," for the tiny buns who must exit the oven before they've been fully baked. One of the quotes is so telling with regard to how fragile these little 6 month preemies can be:

“Their eyelids are very thin, so closing their eyes isn’t much protection from even a fairly dim light if it’s directly into their eyes,” Dr. White said.

Poor little things. Lyric 's almost full-term, so she wont need as much womb-room type time, but I'll be sure to keep things nice and cozy--no more neon lights in the Vegas Room at home.

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