Wednesday, February 14, 2007

5 best things about pregnancy so far

1. I've gained 20 lb., tipping the scale at a number I've never seen before, and I'm only at the half-way point....Kevin's already gained 25 pounds. He's not pregnant. Haha!

2. There are some things people don't tell you unless you are pregnant.

Example: I told someone at work about the picture of a placenta I found on Wikipedia (see previous post). She said: "My friend is Native American and her mom has placentas from all four of her kids up on the wall like decorative hearts."

3. I have a whole new reason to be antisocial.

"Man, I'm just exhausted" now has so much more validity with people. Like it wasn't OK before to be too tired to go out…it was an insult or an affront or I was making it up entirely. Now it's a reason for people to send me thoughtful e-cards.

4. The Snoogle.

It is my favorite thing in the entire world, after port brownies and a juicy bowl of beef chunks. I don't even notice if Kevin's not in the bed with me. Poor Kevin.

5. Eating as many port brownies as I want without worrying about if my jeans won't fit. They won't fit either way, so I might as well have another brownie. (See #1.)

Maybe "best" things about pregnancy wasn't actually the right title.

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