After discovering I had a fetus within--and that it was a girl--the first question anyone had was "Are you gonna blog about it?"
It seemed silly, overstating the uniqueness of the event, but now that I've told the same stories to 25 different people at 25 different times, I find the broadcast medium more appealing.
I've never made more than a couple of entries into a blog before I lost interest. Let's see if the little alien can hold my attention.
Looks like little ms. lyric is cookin' right along now, so it's safe to document her online. so I hereby join the ranks of the baby bloggers.
If I have the "weeks" thing figured out, I believe 20 weeks have passed as of today, so I'm halfway to being "Lyric's Mom." Good title for a Lifetime special.
Looks like little ms. lyric is cookin' right along now, so it's safe to document her online. so I hereby join the ranks of the baby bloggers.
If I have the "weeks" thing figured out, I believe 20 weeks have passed as of today, so I'm halfway to being "Lyric's Mom." Good title for a Lifetime special.
Second question everyone has had is: Have you felt it move yet?
Answer: No. Or yes. Maybe. It's hard to say...there's a lot happening in the my midsection at the moment, but I haven't felt anything I would definitively describe as "a human being bopping around inside me" --or "fluttering," as all the Baby Web sites (and lo, there are many) so quaintly describe. Consequently, I was extremely relieved by the latest ultrasound pics. She's moving all over the place, rubbing her little head and whatnot. She is does it all rather stealthily it seems. What nice quiet little alien.
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